

Key All


Every time this goal is met there is a key all across all of our servers!


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No top donator to display yet.

Check Giftcard Balance

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Giftcard Purchases

Giftcard payments are final. If you do not use the correct formatting in the email, your email will be ignored and you will not receive your items. The ONLY gift cards we accept are Amazon, Steam, PlayStation, iTunes, and Google Play. Make sure the card has the correct balance for the purchase you are making and that the card hasn’t been used. The card cannot be claimed or expired. Purchases may take up to 48 hours to complete, your patience is necessary as the process is manual. If you need any assistance be sure to contact the staff team on our Discord. Gift cards can only be used to purchase items if the card was purchased in the US or in any US territories.


Rank Purchase

Your message must include the following: username, item(s), giftcard type, giftcard code, which server you want it on.